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Rules for the Citadel: The Legion Chronicles
Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim is a para/semi para role playing sim designed and built for fantasy and scifi Role play. Make sure to look at the screens upfront and read up on any information you need. Ignorance is not an excuse to break the sim rules so read them carefully. Sim Staff and owner reserve all rights to eject those that cant follow the rules. Rules may be changes or altered in time so always make sure to check for updated rules
***General RP Rules***
We aim for the most fun and immersive experience possible and for that reason please:
--no TPING apart from designated shuttles that are there to make lives easier. TP'ing into rp is disruptive and unfair to those trying to fight or create their story.
--Only the Hanger is Considered as a safe zone, no combat of any kind should take part in the hanger. All other areas should be considered as being RP areas and treated as such
-- Respect rp limits! You know, its supposed to be fun for anyone. Equally, no use in setting limits too tight ... we're all grown ups here.
-- Dice HUD and Titler to be worn during events or combat as it is made to add to the immersive experience. There is also a Dice hud available for those that prefer rp based combat.
---ZCS needs to be agreed on by all parties taking part in combat otherwise use the dice hud, no full automatic weapons at all can be used.
--keep all OOC comments out of local unless its important to all parties in the area, OCC should be kept in IMs otherwise.
--respect fellow rpers, so no drama or OOC insults in local chat
--Rentals should be respected, role play knocking on their door before entering and if they are not home assume the door is locked. Someone else's rental is not your hook up shack.
--only approved weapons, armor, attire, can be worn, all others must be taken off if your not sure if you fit the part of the fantasy and scifi environment feel free to contact an admin
--Only approved huds should be worn and used. this includes huds from other sims, spell or magic huds, no griefing huds at all ever. If your not sure if your Hud is appropriate for use on the Citadel then contact an Admin for clearance to use it.
Citadel: The Legion Chronicles, takes place in a chaotic galaxy where advanced technology is rare. all attire and avis should reflect this aspect of the story to maintain immersion. There are no cartoon races in this galaxy nor are there types of chars copy righted by other genres. If your using a type of avi that is copy righted then make sure to use a different name for the race and alter it in some way. Admins will be available to help players with such chars. Refer to the races section in the codex to pick a race from there.
--Weapons. most combat will take place with dice rolls so any weapon with a pose hud or a combination of a functioning weapon and poses will work fine. make sure any weapons or effects do not push or disrupt rp.
--Moderation. Occasionally a fight will be declared invalid because of rule breaches. The moderators judgment is final
--Dice huds are allowed to be used for role playing combat, ANY COMBAT should be role played out first and built up to the point of combat. pew pew will not be allowed, anyone doing so will be given only one warning, if your caught doing it again you will be given a 48 hour ban, if you are a repeat offender you will be permanently banned from the sim
--The Citadel is a moderate sim. only area that allows nudity is the quasar club. other areas those visiting should dress in a way that covers the more sensitive areas at least.
Rental Rules
►►► All Renters ◄◄◄
• When you pay the rental box you enter into an agreement with Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim & Aywin Resident for the terms of the lease. You also are agreeing to abide by the rules of the Roleplay and Sim. Please familiarize yourself with them, ignorance will not be accepted as an excuse.
• There are no refunds, unless the sim owner or the land is at fault. In which case we will do our best to rectify the situation by giving additional time, etc.
• In order to rez items, you need to be in the Citadel RP Sim group. Citadel: The Legion Chronicles is a Roleplay sim; and as such, the homes we have on the sim are available only to roleplayers. Please do not rent a spot if you do not plan on playing. (Vendors, see below.)
• Stick to your prim limits and within your rental space. Each box will tell you the prim allowance for that rental. You will get one warning, and 24 hours to fix the issue before items are returned. We will not change the prim allowance for a rental. Be sure of the prim allowance before renting.
• There is a maximum of ONE shop and ONE "home" rental per account . This is to allow other players a chance to rent for their characters as well. Players found taking more than the allowed number of rentals will have their prims returned from the excess rentals and their time will not be refunded.
• Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim is a Fan Based Sci-fi and fantasy mixed sim. All items should stick to, or be as close as you can get to, this general theme. However, you may have a few simple items in your home that are not Sci-Fi in nature. (Modern bed, Art, figurines etc.)
• If you rez or vend something that is potentially offensive or otherwise obnoxious (laggy, sound emitting, huge and glowy, etc) we reserve the right to return that item/vendor and your time left will be lost.
• Any renters that break these terms may have their rental terminated without refund and their items returned. We will try to contact you before we start returning prims and give you a chance to pick them up yourself.
• If you have any issues, special needs or questions that need a resolution during or before your rental lease, contact one of the listed Rental Contacts from above.
►►► Residential Spots ◄◄◄
• If you must have a bed that has erotic animations, set the menu users to Owner Only (if possible). Erotic animations must be kept and used only within the confines of your rental. Again, anytime you choose to get intimate, please do so in IMs only. (See Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim Rules.)
• Doors are not locked but can be added at the renters request, so respect each persons privacy and do not help yourself to their rental. you wouldn't want someone going to your SL house and bumping uglies on your bed. If it becomes a problem the doors will be changed. Make sure to wear the land tag when rezzing your items, try to avoid no copy items, if you loose an item we are not responsible for it
• Players wishing to take on a roleplay vendor role (baker, coffee shop, restaurant etc.) We have several spaces available for such role play stores, please contact an Admin if you wish to have one set up.
►►► Vendor/Mall Rentals ◄◄◄
• Please, no affiliate vendors or BiaB (Business in a box). Your original creations only. No rips from games or other sources are allowed to be sold.
• Scripted weapons are allowed to be sold, though in Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim, they will be used as props only.
• You will be allowed to send one notice per week to the Citadel OOC group for new releases or specials that you are vending in the mall. Please do not send out notices regarding outside places.
• Once you rent your stall, you will receive an invite to Citadel: The Legion Chronicles RP Sim group shortly. You will need to contact an Admin to get the Vendor Tag in the OOC group if you would like to send notices.