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These are the Faction that play a Major role on the Citadel RP Sim and are open to players to join. Factions can and will be added overtime as the RP grows

Anchor 1

The Legion

Legion logo black trans.png

The Legion is the Military of the Alliance being formed first by the Dali and the Trimee separatists during the rebellion against the Trimee Empire. After the Rebellion the Alliance was formed and the Legion kept under the direct leadership of the Director. The Director took a consul position in the council and pressed the Legion forward to establish order and peace in the galaxy. As each world enters the alliance they add troops, equipment, ships, supplies to the Legion. The Legion actively recruits from each world taking in those that wish to fight against pirates, bandits, outlaws, dictators and so on. Each member of the Legion respects and is loyal to the Director as she has proven herself a capable commander in the field as well as the willingness to lead from the front. The Legion is a highly ordered Military unit with many ships, orbital stations, and security stations that were either built or reclaimed from criminal elements left over during the time of the Republic. 
Enlisted Ranks (red trim)
  *hastati or recruit, someone under training
  *principes or fully trained soldier ready for battle, the starting rank of the armed division similar to private first class
 *triarii or a solider with fighting experience no command, (specialist)
  *Decanus a soldier with 10 people under them (sergeant)
  *Tesserarius a soldier with 3 decanus under them (first sergeant) 
  *Optio second to centurian (master sergeant)
  *Centurion commands 5 tesserarius (Chief sergeant)
Officer Ranks (blue trim)
  Alumnus similar to captain
  Analyst Similar to major, this is a person skilled in tactics 
  Prefectus similar to lt.colonel 
  sub commander similar to colonel 
  Magistrate is second to primus and handles the administrative issues of running a division 
  Primus head general of a division 


The Alliance

systems alliance.png

The Alliance is the governing body made up of a Senate, council, and judicial branches. As each world joins the Alliance they can pick two members to represent their world in the Senate. This maintains fairness for all worlds getting equal say. The senate then picks from itself 5 members to sit on the council to oversee any ties in the Senate or sensitive matters. The judicial branch over sees laws as well as trials concerning those laws. 7 judges picked by the Senate over see all cases and a vote is cast on the verdicts. The Alliance is a political group focused on bringing order and stability to the galaxy. Many worlds choose to join freely though worlds that choose to go to war with the Alliance are given the chance to join the Alliance after terms of peace are met. 

Robot Soldier


The mercs guild is made up of the oldest clans where to be a member you take part in a great hunt, this consists of going after some of the worst bounties and you gain points on the difficulty of each bounty you collect, the winner joins the guild. Many compete for the right to join the guild as the guild gets all the best jobs and the highest pay. Often its members have the best gear and equipment. Currently the guild HQ is on the wards seeing an opportunity they have taken many jobs for the Legion clearing out outlaws, bandits and space pirates.

Woman with Futuristic Mask


Outlaws are made up of all kinds of criminals from bandits, space pirates, organized crime, gangs and so on. Many crew up on their own ships or form gangs on worlds like the Wards taking advantage of where the Alliance is scarce or spread thin.  Outlaws will take what ever advantage they can using cybernetics or stolen or salvaged parts and equipment. 

Futuristic Scene


Citadel Security or C-Sec is the police force that protects the citizens of the Citadel and its surrounding system. They also investigate crimes or assist in the defense of the Citadel if the need arises. They are a highly trained and dedicated force that want to keep order on the Citadel.  


The Mox

     The Mox are relatively small, non-territorial, and consist of of mostly sex workers, anarchists, punks, and sexual minorities. Formed in the interest of mutual self-defense purposes, their name comes from the old slang term "moxie," denoting their determination to stand up against their oppressors.. One of their emblems is "Moxes" written in calligraphy.

The Moxes like to wear outfits that are a mix of the punk aesthetic and the inexpensive fashion worn typically by prostitutes, however they usually do not wear clothes that would restrain their movements in any way, leaving them looking more like gangers than your typical sex workers. Some members, especially those who focus on combat, have heavily modified bodies that sometimes evoke a "plastic doll" style, but may also be disguised with RealSkinn. One of their gang symbols is a labrys-a double-headed axe-displayed on their walls, clothes, tattoos, or jewelry. The Mox have their own clothing brand that goes by the name BITCH.



Cyberpunk or Edgerunner is someone who lives on the edge and always pushes themselves to the limit. More than simply being a striver, an Edgerunner continually puts themselves in danger and lives close to failure in a world where the price of failure is death.

Let's say you've got a serious problem, and it just so happens you'd rather not get the police involved, nor your buddies at the corp who usually deal with this stuff. Maybe you were directly responsible for a shipment that mysteriously disappeared, or you'd like to see somebody else's shipment disappear; somebody knows too much about you, someone chose to work for the wrong corp, or maybe someone has suddenly become no longer necessary. In that case, you need someone to handle things for you – a techie, solo, netrunner or someone with more specialized skills. You need an Edgerunner.



Little is known about what race the Druids are, it's speculated that they are more a cult than a race. Taking any that share their beliefs. The Druids appear from time to time in the galaxy often trying to summon demons to control or using blood magic which allows them to use blood instead of mana to cast dark spells. The aim of the druids is vague. Though they are hated by all races this doesn't seem to limit their goals.

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