
Before the fall
The Nebula Galaxy is filled with many unique and different worlds. Each world striving to grow in its own way and each is filled with a unique race and culture. As more worlds advanced and began to travel their perspective systems, the need for order grew clear. So the worlds came together to form the Republic of free worlds or more commonly called, the Republic. With the Republic laying down the foundations of order, law, and trade the economic growth of each world boomed rapidly. Soon advanced technology became prominent in the galaxy as did the demand for resources to keep such technology maintained and produced. Magic which was once the leading power of worlds that could use it, began to fall from disuse with the advances of technology. Though; without a safe way to mine on worlds without an atmosphere or asteroids, it did not take long for resources needed to develop or maintain such advanced technology to run out. Thus began conflicts for resources and the Republic fell apart. Without the Republic, worlds fell into chaos, many taking several steps back to simpler technology, some reverting back into tribes. Those with magic went back to the old ways, few learned to balance the technology with magic in different ways.
The Galaxy to date
428 years after the fall of the republic or 428AF, the worlds in the Nebula galaxy struggle to survive. Pirates, bandits, outlaws, make it difficult to travel from one world to another. Trade is practically cut off between systems. Not all is bleak, a new rising power from the Ashera system grows an Alliance of worlds and systems called the Systems Alliance of free worlds or more commonly called the Alliance and the military force behind it is the Legion. The Legion with 9 systems each with their own Legion have taken control of the Citadel, Once the central point of the Republic and fallen to disuse and pirates. With the Citadel firmly in control of the Legion, a new government of the Alliance is established. Each world of the Alliance voted for two representatives for the Alliance senate. Pirates, bandits, outlaws, and competitive empires threaten this new Alliance daily. By sharing knowledge, the Alliance has found a way to blend magic and technology in perfect harmony making it possible to mine on asteroids and more dangerous worlds for resources. The economies of the Alliance worlds are slowly growing and trade routes are protected by large stations left over from the time of the Republic. The Nebula galaxy is still very much a chaotic place but now one with the potential for peace.