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        The Dali are known for their everlasting beauty, fair shimmery skin, long pointy ears, and powerful magic. The Dali live an average life span of 3000 years. They mature to adulthood within 70 years, They do not physically age but when they reach 3000 years old or they are killed, they go through a process they call the assent. In which a Dali becomes a spirit where they live forever in the realm of the veil. A 5th dimensional realm between the living and the dead. 

The Ancient Dali were one of the first that began to merge advanced technology with magic though this came to late when the Trimee Empire launched a surprise attack on their home world Ashera. The Trimee wanted to rare metals on Ashera called mythril. It is one of the strongest metals in the galaxy but difficult to refine. The Ancient Dali hid their flagship the Hannibal one of the first ships to combine magic and advanced technology. As well as Mythril weapons and armor. They hid it placing magical traps around it and inside of a mountain. The Trimee Empire systematically hunted down Dali mages and slaughtered them to prevent the Dali from ever being a threat to them. 300 years later a Dali mage was born and rose up to lead the Dali to the Hannibal and expel the Trimee Empire from their world.   

        Modern Dali technology is a blend of magical crystals that store mana the magical energy that flows through all dimensions, and clean advanced technology. They tend to prefer stone architecture that features finely crafted work and many arches. They believe that this form of civilization brings them closer to their magical heritage and their spirit ancestors. The Dali are the 1st Legion and one of the founding members of the Alliance.



         The Trimee are dark grey skinned people, white or silver hair, long pointy ears, glowing eyes, and beautiful features. Their average life span is 1000 years, they mature quickly to adulthood within 30 years, and slowly age growing older in appearance over their lifetime.    

The Trimee Empire was a dictator regime. The Emperor had supreme power and treated his citizens poorly. Those that were not upper class citizens were treated little better than slave workforce. Each Emperor was born into the position often having to fight their siblings to the death to gain favor. This system of government lasted 5 generations and led the Trimee people to become dependent on  their technology and losing their ability to harness magic. After the Fall the Trimee Empire technology resembled that of steam powered engines and machines. The lower classes of Trimee join forces with the Dali forming the 2nd Legion and defeat the dictatorial empire for a new system of democracy. With the help of the Dali the Trimee begin to use elemental magic again and use this to power their ships and machines which haven't changed much in appearance. Gaining their freedom the Trimee become the most loyal allies to the Dali and become on of the founders of the Alliance.



        The Ashtara are taller than most other races with horns on their heads, glowing eyes, blue or purple toned skin, short hairless tail except on the tip, and hooves on digi legs. Their average life span is 500 years. They are powerful light magic users. 


        The Ashtara Live on Da'ratha the third and last world of the Ashera system. They Prefer magic over technology but do use massive crystals to power city like ships that hover off the surface of their world. These massive city ships protect their world from pirates and bandits as well as any invading force. They have small villages and farming communities scattered all over their world. Their system of government is a matriarchal system of female elders that vote on issues and laws. They were allies with the Ancient dali and become allies once more with the modern Dali after the Legion deals with an orbiting bandit stronghold that has raided their world. They are the 3rd Legion and the last founding member of the Alliance.



      The Drumond are a short but resilient race, the males have long thick beards and the women have long thick braided hair. Their average life span is 600 years.They tend to prefer hammers and axes and are some of the best craftsmen in the galaxy. They are Immune to magic cast directly at them. They can not use magic but can craft items that harness magical crystals as power sources.  Their world of Gornoth is very stormy on the surface but the Drumond have adapted by building towers that harness lightning and having part of their cities underground. The Drumond build large magic crystal powered mechs called golems. Mostly they use these large mechs to mine and build their impressive structures, though they can be used for fighting. 


     The Drumond have a king who is picked by a council who rules until his death. The council is made up of one top ranked member of each caste and each caste performs a specific job for the Drumond society. The Drumond love their heros and will build large statues to each one. They are a warrior race preferring melee combat but will use ranged weapons against the Nameless. A half dead race that dwells underground. The Drumond are constantly at war with the Nameless though over the years there have been fewer and fewer Nameless seen. Drumond build everything large and grand even their armor often looks a bit big for their size even a bit too ceremonial. Drumond armor is some of the strongest armor in the galaxy making it out of Kaff steel. Which is refined over many years so Drumond refineries and blacksmiths work nonstop. The Drumond are the 4th Legion and a member of the Alliance.




         Drakes are large dragon-like beings that have natural scale armor and large wings. They come in many colors often which reflect the type of drake they are. Each type specializes in a type of magic, sometimes they minor with another that benefits their type. Their average lifespan varies on the type they are. Elemental types live to 700, Dimensional types  live up to 1100, and the most rare are Golden types that live up to 2000 years. 

        Drakes lay eggs and it takes several years for an egg to hatch. Each Drake can lay up to 10 eggs in a lifetime. Each drake lives in a community called the Pack, Each Pack has a Pack mother who is the elder and leader of that Pack. Every pack answers to the king of the Drakes who is often a male golden dragon. There has been accounts of a female golden dragon being the queen, but it is always a golden dragon as their type is so rare and the most powerful. They have little to no technology living a more tribal lifestyle as their world is massive and has abundance of life. When a Druid took their King hostage to try and use his life force to open a rift to the demon realm, the Legion intervened, saving their kings life. The Drakes joined the Alliance becoming the 5th Legion.



        Felises are feline in appearance. Their fingernails and toenails are hard and sharp like claws and are often used in such fashion. They have tails that vary in size and appearance. Their whole body is covered with short fine fur that varies in color, they have long hair on the top of their heads that usually matches in some way with their body fur. Their average life span is 350 years. They can use simple elemental magic.


        Felises are all female or famine in appearance but are gender neutral until they reach adulthood based on their personality and passions as they mature . They are a tribal-like race with no technology. They are highly agile and fast, preferring martial abilities. They pair by fighting each other, the winner being the dominant of the pairing. They often solve issues in their tribe by sparing. More serious issues handled by fights to the death in a stone arena. Each tribe governs itself but during a pirate raid on their world of Karinth the tribes unite together to form a council. Each tribe is run by the strongest fighter. Though the council decides things by voting or sparring out disagreements. When the Director's shuttle crash lands on their world she is challenged by a tribal leader and defeats them, becoming that tribe's new leader. She then proposes that the Felises join the Alliance for protection



        The Argath are a Wolf like race that vary in appearance and size. They often use shadow  magic to a degree making them very difficult to see in the dark. They have very sensitive hearing and smell to compensate for their abilities. They use some technology but their cities often resemble medieval towns and castles. Their home world of Karinth orbits a white dwarf star so they are use to low light situations. Off world they often wear goggles to protect their eyes. They are immune to the cold and ice magic has little to no effect on them. 

        The system of government is much like a feudal system in which towns and areas of land are controlled by barons. Each Baron has troops and collects taxes from their holdings. The barons will gather together during important situations called the Gathering where they will vote on issues or team up during bandits or pirate raids.  The Argath are allied to the Ashtara since the time of the Republic and join the Legion as the 7th Legion per their request. 



        The Lymisha are a purely female race that use a Magic called the Melding that takes traits from one into another to give birth. The Lymisha are powerful gravity magic users and have honed that magic into crystals to power large ships. Their technology is one of the few races that has been able to adapt and maintain the advanced technology of the Republic. Their skin is usually some shade of blue with tentacles on their head. Their average life span is 1000 years. 

          A plague wiped out the male population of the Lymisha ages ago long before the fall and so the Lymisha adapted using magic and technology to preserve their way of life. They are a matriarchal system of government that the elder members and most respected join a council that decides matters for their world of illinuem. They Join the Legion as the 8th Legion during the battle with the Dracul Empire.



        Dracul are Pale red haired people that focus on fire magic. They are excellent warriors that only respect strength and intelligence. Thier home world Fothera has a great many active volcanos that bring resources up to the surface. The Dracdul have adapted themselves to build cities around this volcanoes and harness them and the resources that spill forth from them. They are immune to heat and fire magic. The average lifespan of a Dracul is 200 years. 

        The Dracul Empire is one built on conquest, glory, honor, and sacrifice to the Empire. They are a proud people but also an intelligent one. They build cities of white marble but keep the structures from being too tall because of the volcanoes. The Dracul Have a senate as well as an Emperor. Their system is a very complex one with many laws. The Dracul practice slavery as punishment for crimes or captives during war with other worlds. The war with the Legion is one of the most costly wars the Dracul take part in. The Legion gathers up all its forces to battle the Dracul eventually pushing back their forces to their home world Fothera. The Director and the Emperor eventually fight each other on the steps of the ruined senate forum where the Director strikes the Emperor down. What remains of the Dracul Senate names the Director as Empress of the Dracul as their core beliefs are honor, strength, sacrifice, intelligence. As the Director showed all those qualifications they named her Empress. The Director abolishes slavery instead setting up diminished pay labor for criminals instead. She releases all captives from previous wars and rebuilds Fothera setting up the Dracul as the 9th Legion.    



        Redivivus are relatively unknown to the rest of the galaxy. How their original race once looked is unclear and only the Intelligence knows, the Intelligence is a central AI that all Redivivus can access. Some think that the Redivivus are pure machines but they are a mix of organic material from the original race that created the Intelligence and its own technology fused together. Each Redivivus is made for a purpose but they also have their own personality and sometimes their own desires. They Adapted advanced technology by improving its efficiency so that the Redivivus did not require a lot of resources. If a Redivivus dies it is recycled back into the system to be remade anew. The homeworld of the Redivivus is Solaris. A world that orbits a blue sun close enough that life was able to blossom there. The original species of sentient life on the world are only called the creators by the Redivivus. Though some lost records of the Republic refer to an advanced civilization known as the Osari that were more interested in making super weapons than taking part in politics.



        Atlantians, also known as Merfolk or mers for slang, are an underwater race whose homeworld is Karith. Karith is primarily an ocean with some tropical-like islands scattered around. Atlantians can breathe air by wearing a special nose device which also helps them speak out of water as their vocal cords adapt to speaking underwater. They walk on two legs, have webbed toes and fingers, a long tail with a fin at the end, and a variation of fins and skin colors. They have a shimmery skin that looks and feels much like dolphin skin when wet or soft and silky when dry though most prefer to mist themselves to stay wet. They Rarely leave their homeworld and can be shy around strangers. They always have a gem embedded in their forehead which is part of their ritual for adult Atlantians that completed the trial. The gem is unique for each Atlantian and boosts their natural elemental magic. They never use fire magic though they can use other types and only focus on one type of magic.



        Orcs are large in size, often green shaded skin, tusk fangs protrude from the bottom row of teeth. The average lifespan of  an Orc is 300 years. They often wear tribal armor adorned with trophies from battle. 


        Orcs are a warrior race more tribal than using technology, what technology they use is often scraps put together from other races with roughly made armor plates added to them. They are physically strong and use dark magic that saps the strength from others and boosts their own. They are neutral, not taking one side or another in any conflict and often work as mercenaries to gain fame in battle. They have clans that are often run by the strongest warrior. Most mercenary Orcs are Clanless, those cast out of a clan. Most clans choose to raid much like bandits do. Some clans will work as mercenaries or bounty hunters.  The Orcs destroyed their own home world in civil war so most clans roam around in their scrap ships.



        Jotunn are rarely seen off Jotunhiem the ice world shrouded by mystery. It is said that the Jotunn were once Dali over 8000 years ago that were changed by the Demons during their war with the Celestials before the Veil separated the Dimensions from each other. It is also said the Jotunn turned on the Demons and turned from the rest of the galaxy founding their homeworld of Jotunhiem. They are pale skinned with a tint of blue, pointy ears, white haired, with bright blue eyes. They are masters of ice magic and their skin is freezing cold to the touch. If they are ever seen off Jotunhiem they radiate a cold air around themselves seeming unbothered by the cold of space as well they can walk around in the vacuum of space. It is rumored that they can turn the dead into Jotunn as well but no one is sure as its so rare to see one off their Icey homeworld.



Androids are new to the galaxy. The idea of fully sentient AI eluded the Republic and other races for a long time. The Republic tried to fuse organic brains with computers mostly using Redivivus citizens for this as they were half machine most the time. IKANOS was created as a fully sentient AI by Sonja who was one of the Republic projects combining her brain with the citadel its self. As a fully sentient AI IKANOS found some of the other projects abandoned on the Redivivus homeworld Solaris and awakened them giving them a fragment of her own code to free them from the Republic programming and making them also sentient. They vary in appearance, the older models. The newer models made by IKANOS are more advanced looking and elegant in appearance



        Minako are an ancient species. They are Dragons that take on a humanoid appearance for the first 1500 years of their life span they loose the ability to maintain the smaller form transforming to a massive dragon. Their humanoid form has wings, some scales on the back, lower legs, and lower arms. They have horns and dragon eyes. They Wield elemental magic with ease and are one of the most physically strong races in the galaxy. They are rare as their race was nearly wiped out by the Dracul Empire but freed by the Alliance when the Alliance systematically forced them off each world the Dracul Empire took by force. Their Homeworld of Karnox is massive about the size of Jupiter with a mixture of climates and 7 moons. Minako are a special application race. Only serious players will be considered as they are a rare species.



        Zetans primarily keep to themselves little is known about their species because of their seclusion. They choose to keep to Observation more than social interaction with other species. It is not quite known if these Zetan's have a form of communication, some speculate that the use of form of telepathy. Primarily little is known on their communication because they rarely interact with other species. Typically each Zetan has a blue green skin, some form of tattoo, multicolored hair usually in the blue and green range, and slightly glowing slitted eyes. The technology is almost retro in design utilizing round spaceships similar to that often depicted of Little Green Men. They are a shorter species which leads to the nick name. 



      Kaldarians comes from the planet Nexus. It is a world that orbits a small black hole and a gas giant. Long ago their sun went from a white dwarf to a black hole. They are a magically imbued race which is what allowed them to survive and adapt. Though they don't cast spells they can absorb basic magic to boost their own strength, agility, and speed. They Are the same strength level as Orcs just below drakes and Minako. Their eyes are unique that they can see ultraviolet light and able to see in total darkness with makes their eyes so sensitive they cover them with blindfolds when they are in places with lights or a normal sun. They are Empaths and can sense another beings emotions or influence a beings emotions as they can produce large amounts of pheromones at will. They Live to be around 600 years old. When a Kaldarian dies their body crystallizes and their blood is a deep blue color. They typically have light violet to pink skin. Their hair colors are typically mixtures of blue, purple, green, and their eye colors are green or purple. Most races find them very attractive and most species think they are the most beautiful race in the galaxy.

The Lost


"The Lost" are what those of the Nebula Galaxy call the beings that come from the Ancient Gate. A relic from the times when the gods lived among the mortals over 8000 years ago. The Ancient gate has become active randomly opening worm holes to other galaxies causing ships or peoples from other places to end up in the Nebula Galaxy. Most of these like the 'Humans' of a galaxy they call the Milky Way end up homeless or working on the Citadel as they have no other place to go and do not fit in well with the other races. As their life span is so much shorter than most the races of the Nebula Galaxy. The other races all refer to Humans as "The Lost" and not as humans as it is a word from their world and their galaxy. The Lost take time to adjust to the stronger gravity of the station as it is twice that of Earth. Which leads most races of the Nebula Galaxy to think of them as slow and weak. The Lost are adaptive though and do become use to the gravity and ways of the Citadel already making a place for themselves as humans are rather adaptive. The Lost like all creatures that come onto the Citadel are given injections and an implant, a Universal translator so that they can understand the speech of the other races. The Injection to boost immunity also slightly elongates their life span from the average 90 years to 150 years.

Night Elves

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         Night Elves were once Dali that went out on ships to a new home 9,000 years ago to a beautiful world called Escella. A pleasant temperate climate world where the gravity was 5 times that of Ashera. The Intense gravity forced the Elves to try to adapt by using a Virus to improve their genetics though a rogue pulsar caused the Virus to mutate further causing the Night Elves to become strong as Orcs, developed telekinesis and made them look similar to Nosferatu. They Found they had to consume the blood of other creatures to keep the Virus under control. If they don't feed they wither up and go into a blood rage trying to feed off anything with blood losing control of themselves until their need for blood is sated. Mostly they feed on non-sentient creatures. They are long lived and developed a beautiful culture filled with art and elegant designs. Their technology is advanced using dwarf star power cores to maintain their technology and society. They are typically an elegant species with soft accents. They are all very pale with white to blonde hair. Their eyes glow a reddish hue from their pupils and have excellent night vision. Their world Has soft light and they are not use to harsh lighting.  They are not undead but living beings affected by a mutated virus, they can be killed like any other being. Night Elves have a council that governs their world and the Night Sisters are a sect of elite warriors. Brothers of the Dawn are the other side of the same coin as male and female warriors fight separately in different sects. 

Moon Elves

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      Moon Elves are shorter than Dali. Most have an Asian appearance with shorter ears. Their culture is reminiscent of feudal Japanese culture on the human world. With a touch of cyberpunk influence. The Moon Elf home world Is called Gokuraku. They have a warrior class they call Samurai, who serve their Lords that oversee a prefecture.  The Lord is under a daimyo who is in charge of a group of Prefectures.  The Council of Daimyo decide on most matters and when they cannot agree the Shogun then handles the final verdict on a matter.  In the Moon elf Legends, a God of justice from earth grew tired of the humans and joined the other gods in the Nebula galaxy and took an interest in the Moon elves choosing them to form His idea of a perfect culture. Moon Elves can harness shadow magic which lets them slip into subspace and appear back into normal space where they desire with a range of around 20 meters.  They can manipulate shadows benefitting their stealth or even using the shadows to hide themselves. It is widely said that the Samurai are the finest and most skilled warriors. Ronin; those that lost their lord, are often sought after for their skill in battle as they are the only of the warrior class willing to hire themselves out as mercenary. 



    As a young race who has recently entered the greater galaxy, the Avali are eager to do their part! What they lack in size, they more than make up for in their machines, tools, and weapons. While most of this bird like race have a pack like mentality, some prefer to go out there alone. This race tends to live up to 200 years naturally, with top medical treatments and help from cybernetic implants, they can live up to 300 years.
    Having come from very icy worlds, most Avali tend to not do so well in warmer places unless they use implants or have lived on warmer planets. having had come from such planets, some Avali have found ways to access and use magic that is on the colder side of things. Because their homeworld is colder and darker than most planets, most Avali are unable to see well and have been forced to use tech as a way to get around this problem, causing them to create tech that allows them to connect to computer systems and use that to help move around in tech rich environments.



The Yskala people are a race of unknown age, having only recently been discovered by The Legion on their chilly homeland of Yskander. Tall, thin, and pale, they are elegant in appearance and nimble in their movements.
They are predominantly androgynous in appearance, and have been seen to dye their naturally white hair with colors extracted from the tundras in which they have made their more permanent settlements. Their eye color is almost always a pale blue, but pinks, purples, and even yellows have been seen.
Yskala, despite their curiosity towards technology and agreement of its benefits to their society, are a deeply spiritual lot, believing not in gods or goddesses but the energies of the universe around them. They fight only when they deem it necessary, and believe death to be an opportunity for rebirth.
While their given name is often untranslatable, surnames are often related to nature, such as Windcaller, or Snowfoot.
Yskander, despite its size, only has one landmass which is capable of sustaining life beyond animals as much of the planet is inhabited by vicious megafauna. This continent is approximately  513,120 km² and is feudalistic. A Vishaal serves in a similar role to an emperor, while lesser Palars serve as lords and rule over the cities of Yskander. 
Those in the northern territories where the weather is colder tend to adorn themselves in furs and feathers, while those in the southern territories where the climate is somewhat warmer have a preference for flowing robes and gowns, not unlike kimono or hanfu.

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